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Burgeson's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

6 Benefits of Finding Your Optimal Sleep Temperature

Do you ever crawl into bed only to find yourself tossing and turning, trying all night to find a comfortable sleeping position? You’re tired, but you just can’t seem to fall into the deep, restful sleep you need.

Top 5 Air Conditioner Problems That You Can Avoid

Even as temperatures begin to decline, you're likely still giving your HVAC system a workout. And no matter the temperature outside, there are few things worse than your home or business air conditioning breaking down completely.

Air Conditioner Not Cooling? 6 Costly Mistakes You're Making.

The temperature is rising outside and your AC is on full blast – so why is it still so hot inside your home? The answer could lie in costly mistakes you're making with your air conditioner. These mistakes not only make you less comfortable but also mean that you could be unknowingly squandering money and worst of all, harming the environment. Take a look at our list of the top 6 mistakes people make with their central air conditioning and see if you're guilty of any of them. 

6 Signs That It Is Time To Replace Your AC & Heating System

As with any big-ticket item in your life – car, computer, washer/dryer – your air conditioning & heating system will eventually reach the end of its lifespan and need to be replaced with a newer model. It can be hard to let go of old equipment, thinking that it might be worth it to continue to repair and replace parts. Although it can be tough to commit to a big purchase, sometimes it is beneficial for health, efficiency or environmental reasons to update your HVAC system. How do you know when you should call it quits with your current equipment? Read on for a list of 6 signs that it is time to replace your home heating & cooling system.

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Is Energy Conservation More Important Than Indoor Air Quality?

If you are house hunting, what are some of the first concerns that come to mind? You most likely have a checklist in your head: desired location or neighborhood, square footage, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms are probably up there. Maybe that list also includes details like curb appeal or a state of the art kitchen. Besides the checklist, however, your primary concern is most likely whether or not this dream home is within your budget. But when setting your budget, are you accounting for hidden factors, like an outdated electrical or HVAC system?

Honoring The 100th Birthday of Elgar Burgeson

On Sunday, August 28th, 2016, the Burgeson family and Burgeson's Htg. & A/C honors the 100th birthday of their patriarch, founder, mentor, Elgar “El” Burgeson.

How to Save Energy in an Office Environment

It’s natural to want to be efficient at the office. Get more work done, faster; isn’t that the American way? But how efficient is your office building? Most people don’t realize that their workspace could be eating up energy and money. Here are some ways to prevent your office operations from racking up watts on your energy bill, from light bulbs to AC units.

AC Service: Too Little May Be Too Late

Every car owner knows that they should change their motor oil every 3000-5000 miles. An automobile is an investment; it’s a piece of machinery that requires regular maintenance to keep it running as long as possible. An air conditioning system is no different. Like a car, it needs routine annual or semiannual maintenance, also known as an “AC service” or "tune-up."

Grid Modernization Helps You Save Energy

There is something that Americans take for granted every day. Our hospitals, schools and national security depend on it. As individuals, we depend on it for everything from keeping us comfortable to keeping us connected. We’re talking about the electricity grid - that thing that powers every U.S. office building and home. It’s easy to forget about it. All you have to do is flip a switch, and the grid does its work. But what if one day it doesn’t?

Introducing the New Lennox MPA Ductless Heat Pumps

Homeowners can now rejoice knowing there is a new and improved solution to their heating and cooling needs. Lennox, a global HVAC equipment manufacturer, recently introduced their new line of MPA ductless heat pumps. Taking the multi-functionality of heat pumps and the convenience of installing mini-split systems, this new line offers a solution for living spaces that do not have existing ductwork.