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Burgeson's Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

Introduction to Variable Speed Technology In Heating and Air

 HVAC systems equipped with variable speed technology provide far more efficiency than its single and two-stage compressor alternative. In terms of HVAC, variable speeds simply mean that a unit is able to vary its output speed depending on indoor temperatures. Since homes rarely need their HVAC equipment running at 100 percent capacity, variable speed technology provides significant benefits.

Analytics in HVAC Changing the Game

How can home and business owners know if their HVAC equipment requires a new filter, additional refrigerant, or a complete replacement? Regular preventative maintenance ensures that an HVAC system runs at maximum efficiency. Technicians can inspect equipment and offer home and business owners suggestions on how to improve efficiency. The integration of analytics, however, has given HVAC contractors a deeper and more expansive understanding of inefficiency patterns that indicate system failure. In fact, maintenance and analytics have changed the HVAC industry for the better.

R22 Phase out. What does this mean for your ac unit? A Southern California Tech Explains.

 If you haven't heard, refrigerant standards have changed, requiring homeowners to take a closer look at their air conditioning units. Although these new government policies force the HVAC industry to adapt, the policies still have a few years to go into full effect. Here's what homeowners need to know to prepare for the change.

What to do when your ac unit freezes up?

Summer is right around the corner which means air conditioning and heating contractors can expect an influx of service calls in the near future. Especially during the warmer months, homeowners might notice a dripping sound coming from their unit. The cause may be a frozen evaporator coil which can drastically reduce comfort levels when homeowners need them most. So, why does this happen? To find out, we first need to explore how an air conditioning unit cools a home.

Need immediate help with repairing your AC? Schedule today and we'll send a tech right over!

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Changes in Heating and Air Conditioning, 2016

 Now that we are solidly in 2016, we can take some time to reflect on the lessons we've learned from last year. With improved regional efficiency standards, the HVAC industry made a lot of strides. As an award-winning HVAC company, we have kept up with HVAC technology like smart thermostats. The HVAC industry is one of the fastest growing technology sectors mainly due to the recovering housing market which contributed to job growth

Your Primer to Condensate Management Systems

 Warm weather is upon us and, and everyone is rushing to set the AC to stave off discomfort. While we appreciate the control we have over our environment, when was the last time you checked your heating and air conditioning system? As a byproduct of the cooling process, managing condensate inside your system can make the difference between proper function, condensate overflow and if your furnace is located in your attic, damage to your ceiling.